
Ages 8-18 years

The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts is the oldest stage school in the UK. By following set guidelines laid out by LAMDA, students on this course will learn how to interpret scripts and the written word, technical acting skills and their knowledge of the process and subject matter.

These courses take place weekly, during school term time and for a period of 10 weeks. At the end of this period, an examiner from LAMDA will visit the school for the final exam. Students are prepared for entry in Monologues, Duologues or Group pieces.

LAMDA certificates are great to obtain for any child wishing to further their career in the performing arts, but as well as that, it will support the creative, intellectual and social development of your child.

LAMDA examinations are accredited by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA).

This places them within the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), grades 6-8 are worth UCAS points for each examination understaken (except Group examinations)


Term Dates:



20th April – 22nd June 2024

Half Term: 1st June 2024

EXAM: 29th June 2024


Hertforshire - £100 per term + exam fee (£20-£80 dependant on grade)